
Acts 9:1-19

In this powerful message, we're invited to explore the transformative power of encountering God. The central story of Saul's conversion in Acts 9 reminds us that God can reach even the most unlikely individuals. We're challenged to consider how we position ourselves to receive God's revelations in our daily lives. Dave Lovell beautifully weaves in the concept of 'yada' - a deep, experiential knowledge of God that goes beyond mere intellectual understanding. This message encourages us to seek God in unexpected places, whether in nature, like Robert Frost, or in our everyday interactions. We're reminded that God pursues us relentlessly, often using unconventional methods to get our attention. The story prompts us to reflect on our own spiritual journey: Are we truly open to encountering God in fresh, transformative ways?

Discussion Questions:

1. What does it mean to truly 'know' God (yada) versus simply having knowledge about Him (gnosko), and how can we cultivate a deeper, more experiential relationship with Him?

2. In what ways might we be 'kicking against the nudges' of God in our own lives, and what steps can we take to become more receptive to His calling?

3. What role do spiritual markers or mandates (like Sabbath) play in facilitating encounters with God, and how can we incorporate these into our lives more effectively?

4. How does the concept of being 'sent by encounter' challenge or expand our understanding of our purpose and calling as followers of Christ?